Do you have a bad back ache?

Or a bad headache?

Maybe a pain in the neck?

Arthritis in some joint?

Ulcers or bleeding gums?

A leg that stops you from running?

Or a stiff neck that makes it hard to swivel your head?

Everyone of us has issues – they come with living!

Whatever issue you have is a Guide in disguise!!

When I had TB I realized I didn’t want to live.

When I had asthma I really didn’t want to breathe.

My migraines coincided with those times when just trying to think myself happy was difficult.

My NF1 related to not thinking myself worthy enough.

My TGA seemed to coincide with times when I was in overwhelm.

Indeed, every ailment I’ve experienced was challenging.

Or at least it was until I came to see it as a Guide, a Teacher……

Until I realized it was there to show me “where I was at”…..

My bad back taught me I didn’t feel I could support myself.

My pain in the neck was a difficult person I kept in my life.

My bleeding gums reminded me I was lacking in vitality.

And my stiff neck hammered home that I was stubborn.

Trudi had daily heart fibrillations throughout our last year running Heartland. Those fibrillations told her that, after 17 years she no longer had her heart in constant bed-making, 4-trolley shopping, early morning and late evening cooking, daily vacuuming, accounting and continuous toilet cleaning.

Cardiologists told her to get used to the fibrillations as she would be stuck with between 6 and 16 attacks a day.

But…..the very day we left Heartland her fibrillations stopped.

Yes, the very same day.

Entirely stopped.

And they haven’t happened even once since we left over a year ago.

What is your body telling you about you?

Remember: your ailments are your guides.

Except at end of life, they’re specific and very helpful guide-posts showing you the way to move forward toward optimum health and fulfillment.

If you listen to them – and take notice of them – and do what they are suggesting to you – what and how will you heal?

How will it improve your life?

And who will you become?

Are you ready and willing to become that person??


Love and Blessings,


Community Of The Heart
PS: Remember I am always here to help you on your healing journey.
Free phone or skype sessions 7 days a week.