Hello, my name is Les Dyer. My religion is love.
I have no other creed or belief. I have no other religion.

Hello, my name is Les Dyer.
My religion is love.
I have no other creed or belief.
I have no other religion.
” When I speak of spirituality I’m not speaking about any church, any saviour or any guru.
I am speaking about the Power Within.
My sense of “God” is of boundless loving creativity in action.
“God” is simply boundless love endlessly and joyously creating itself in infinitely abundant ways.
We, each and everyone of us, is also that boundless love endlessly creating our lives (whether we consciously know it or not).
When we acknowledge the Power Within then we create joyously in infinitely abundant ways, too.
If this resonates with you please continue.
If not, my very best wishes and much love.”
Les Dyer

I am a Retreat Director, Self-Empowerment Coach, Spiritual Author, Healer and Guide.
Since the mid 80′s I have facilitated over 1,000 self-empowerment seminars, retreats and workshops utilising Spiritual, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Zen and even Islamic creeds as tools for inner unfoldment.
I created the spiritual movement known as The Community Of The Heart.
This has no membership in the normal sense, no fees, no obligations to follow any path or attend any meetings. It is simply a growing community of spiritually unfolding individuals that stretches across the globe.
I have created several hundred meditations, each designed to help you achieve something valuable in you – or your family’s – life. This may be healing or greater understanding or spiritual growth or peace or even love.
I write a weekly free emailed article (since 1999)
Leaving home and school at 14, I started my adult life early on the streets of Sydney’s Kings Cross. I became self-taught – and eventually a successful businessman.
At one time I set up a halfway house for released prison inmates; at another time I established a marketing and advertising company, personally creating over 2,500 TV commercials for over 100 clients including political parties, the media and major retailers.
I also created (and managed) a fast-food chain of stores. I have also been a professional motivational speaker and business development facilitator, a national business magazine columnist and a university lecturer.
Healing myself of both TB and the severity of neurofibromatosis (for which I received over 6,000 stitches prior to my healing) I have spent the last 35 years allowing my non-religious spiritually inspired belief system (which I call “authentic spiritual living”) to unfold.
"I believe that each of us is,
in a very real manner,
the Presence of the Divine."
This Presence expresses Itself, individually for life forms such as ourselves, as both our physical body and our Soul.
Life is the art of learning how to appropriately use the tools of our body, our brain and our mind – in a very real and everyday partnership with our Soul – so that we can achieve our natural state: which is to be in harmony with everyone and everything else.
Such a state of harmony is reality – or to use a more human term – boundless love.
I hope to meet you soon!
All my love,

Let us find peace and delight in it!
Let us find tranquillity and keep it!
Let us find patience and own it!
Let us find empathy and share it!
Let us find honour and commit to it!
Let us find selflessness and become it!
Let us find tolerance and express it!
Let us find joy and thrill to it!
Let us find worth and value it!
Let us find Love and be it!
Let us find Real Self and live it!
Let us truly find the Divine and rest there!
Author - Les Dyer
I am also the author of 14 spiritual and self-empowerment books:
- The Return Of The Master (a ‘best selling’ account of one person’s return to Earth to bring a more relevant message for the 21st century)
- 50 Peaceful Meditations For A Loud & Noisy World (big print for evening groups and therapists)
- 50 More Meditations For Achieving Happiness & Healing (compendiums of guided visualisations for both adults and children seeking emotional or physical healing, inner peace, self-mastery or deeper understanding of Self)
- Messages From Mordechai Vol 1 (messages from a Spirit Guide)
- SoulLight Vol 1 (65 short chapters to inspire spiritual awakening)
- SoulLight Vol 2 (66 short chapters to awaken your innate greatness)
- One Year With Gott (a modern fable exposing ancestral and spiritual truths)
- Living the Sacred Life (a Manual for living life richly)
- The Little Book of Great Understandings
- Pennies From Heaven – Volume 1 (Spiritual Mastery For Everyday People)
- Pennies From Heaven – Volume 2 (Everyday Fulfillment For Everyday People)
- Spiritual Talks (more spiritual guidance from the Divine)
- Conversations with George (tips and talks to enhance consciousness)
- Finding The Special Person Who Lives Within (reprint)
- The Greatest Gift Is The Present (reprint)
Simon from PNG wrote
“In a world where we need to listen to our inner voices more than ever you are providing and sharing information and counsel we can’t buy off the rack or on shelves. I find it profound that someone can spare the time and effort to reiterate to us things we may know and that pass through our body, mind and spirit from time to time.”
Rob, in Beijing, China, wrote
“Just a quick email to say thank you! Thank you for helping me over the past 8 or 9 years. I am grateful for all the time and energy you have given me over the years. I am especially grateful for the deep wisdom and insights you have shared. I love your sense of humour…makes me smile. I love your clear and objective view on the world in its current state of madness. And most of all…I am grateful for caring and loving me through all my madness, disconnectedness, insecurities, victories and everything else in between.
Blasting you with a big dose of gratitude and appreciation from a cafe in Beijing”
Anne Marie from Kerala, India, wrote
“Thank you so much……your messages are like stairs to the top of the mountain!”
Alexandra wrote
“Thank you for your advice which has helped change my life.
It is still a work in progress (as life is) but the suggestions to those with whom I had unfinished business or regrets, has slowly impacted on my life. Many blessings. Alexandra”
Tracie wrote
“Thank you Les for a truly amazing experience of love laughter and beautiful magical learnings!
Sending love, Tracie”
Irene sent a card that said
“Thank you dear Les for opening your heart and your home, it really made us feel loved, and there was so much laughter and joy. An unforgettable time.
With much love, Irene”
Debra wrote to Heartland in May
“Thank you so so much for opening your heart and giving so much of your time and yourselves to us. It was an absolutely beautiful time for me and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and spending time with you.. Blessings to all.”
Michelle hails from South Australia. She wrote
“Thank you for sharing … your wealth of knowledge and teachings on how to love one and other and help make the world a better place to co-exist.
Love and Blessing to you”
Sarita wrote
“Thanks for a beautiful healing. I can see the sky again !!!
Most of all you have a place in my heart
Much love to you xx”
Toni wrote
“All thanks to Les and Trudi. Quite a transformation – never to be forgotten. Thank you Les.
Lots of love Toni xxx”
Connie wrote in Facebook
”Amazing spiritual energy….. if you’re in need of rest and repair “
Ruth wrote in April
Dear Les and Trudi,
“I want to thank you so much for your continued support over the years. It has been life changing and helped me to understand life and all of its journeys.”
Kath wrote in April
“Thank you Thank you Thank you…You have renewed my will to move forward in this life. I just wish EVERYONE could have the chance to experience you. Much love”
Robi visited April
“Les and Trudi, Thank you for my insight , my positive outlook.
I have gained so much knowledge from you….. Thank-You”
Tania wrote from Tasmania
“Thanks I have a better outlook on life and myself. Thank you so much Les and Trudi for the best experience ever! Love and blessings”
Ashleigh wrote in March
“Hard to describe, yet share your simplicity of providing a space to explore without barriers of any particular religious focus, but deep knowledge and grace of most if not all.
No requirement to be anywhere or do anything.”
Kerry has been helped several times over many years. In March 2018 she wrote
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul. The time i have spent with Les has been truly transformational for me. “
Denyse, a previous guest, wrote in March
“I just wanted to say thank you again It was so different for me this time – because I wasn’t carrying all the old “baggage” (yeah!!!). I feel so peaceful and more in tune with myself than I have for such a long time”
In February Ella wrote
“Thankyou for all that you both are and for everything that you both taught me.
I want to thank you for your time and for all that you did for me, and my journey.”
Lisa came in January
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the experience you provided.
You have given me so much knowledge and the tools to grow.
I have come away at peace from a situation that had been tearing me apart for some time, I had tried everything to get over it, Les was amazing and in a few talks together he had made me understand what was going on and understand the why….I am refocused, lighter and making changes.
I can highly recommend you to anyone wishing to gain understanding of what is truly important in life.
Much love to you”