Soul Lights


Swami Suchaproblem decided that if a President could create his own crypto currency out of thin air he, Swami, was allowed to create his own currency, too.

So he created the Twenty-five dollar note, a perfect replica of the standard five, ten and twenty dollar notes….

It wasn’t until he’d printed them and distributed them to his followers that his problem became obvious: they weren’t legal tender.

So he decided to swap them for legal tender via unsuspecting, unthinking business owners.

He chose Australia.

He went into the first business and asked if they could please change one of his $25 notes.

The owner looked at the $25 note carefully and seemed wary……

However, when push came to shove he agreed: did Swami want three seven dollar and one four dollar note in exchange?

or two eight dollar and one nine dollar note?

or two six dollar and one thirteen dollar note?

or two twelve dollar fifty cent notes?

Often, our choices in life are rather like this……

We start off with a distorted belief and then, to improve outcomes we shift from one variation of it to another…and then another…

And this relates equally whether it be about relationships, work, politics, economics, family or even spirituality.

So what’s the answer?

Well, it’s obviously to recognise the innate truth of a situation and avoid all the fakes and scams and lies and mistruths that pose as legitimate options.  And there’s lots of them!!

In my life, I once handled the massive advertising account of a car dealership with over twenty huge operations. When I found out they had installed secret microphones under the sales desks in their yards to monitor private customer conversations I had two choices-

say it didn’t have anything to do with me or insist they be removed:

I chose the latter.

They agreed to remove them from their second-hand yards.

Not good enough.

They added one of their new vehicle brands.

Still not good enough.

Just keeping them in the yards on Parramatta Road……


In the end, I relinquished what was financially my biggest account.

It hurt a lot in the short term.

What is happening in your life which you know lacks authenticity but you’re going along with it for the sake of this…..or that????

Maybe it’s about your job, your family, your belief system…..???

You’ll sleep far better at night when you’re living authentically.

And, like me, you’re sure to find that better options open up….

(in my case, I  gained a client who was twice as big!!).

Love and Blessings,


Community Of The Heart

PS: Remember I am always here to help you on your healing journey.

Free phone or skype sessions 7 days a week.

Right now you can purchase a SIGNED COPY of my new book that shares my whole story – warts and all-  ‘FROM DELUSION TO EVOLUTION’ delivered to your door for just $33.

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Over 430 pages, it also contains the immense spiritual wisdom of


This is –without doubt – the mountaintop of my beliefs and writings; and I am sure you will be as enriched by it as I continue to be…..

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Swami Suchaproblem decided that if a President could create his own crypto currency out of thin air he, Swami, was allowed to create his own currency, too. So he created the Twenty-five dollar note, a perfect replica of the standard five, ten and twenty dollar notes…. It wasn’t until he’d printed them and distributed them

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Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went out camping one weekend. They took a tent big enough for a dozen men. During the night Dr Watson looked up at the stars in the sky and whispered “Are you awake Sherlock?” “I am” Sherlock replied. “Do you see the wonders of the universe above us?” “I do”

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The Other Les Dyer…….

No-one is ever just one thing. A mother or father. A taxi driver. A doctor. A shop-keeper. A consultant. A mechanic. An electrician. A Hairdresser. A Fashion designer. A carpenter. A herbalist. Instead, we’re multiple persona in one body. (Special reminder: my autobiography is now out!! Email for more details!) So whilst most of you

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Dear Friends, This year society is in for more than its ordinary share of chaos, politically, economically and socially…… So what can we personally do about it? Not much. But we can ensure we don’t have chaos in our own lives!! We best do this by ensuring our positive intentions hold our moment-by-moment attention. Instead,

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Dear Friends, The New Year is arriving and it’s surely the ideal time to make the Impossible possible! You may ask: how can you make the impossible possible??? It’s actually very simple – the answer is found in the word itself! Pause…..   Got it yet? IMPOSSIBLE…….I’M POSSIBLE! Yes, I am possible! Realistically, most things

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SoulLight: It all adds up….

Dear Friends, The New Year is almost upon us so I thought I’d help you get ready to ADD  it to your experiences…. First, grab a calculator if you have one….. Choose any three digits (example 839) Repeat the digits so they get a six figure number (e.g. 839839) Divide that number by 13 Now

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Urgent Peace Meditations

Dear Friends, Have you ever been a part of something that could literally change history? Well, here’s your chance……. (I apologise for the late notice!!) The UN just announced their first-ever World Peace Meditation Day for this Sunday, December 22nd (in Australia), and groups in every corner of the globe are creating one huge opportunity

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12 weeks later

Twelve weeks ago I suggested an exercise: “What will you do that’s different next week? Make a list of 12 changes – one a week for the next three months – that will brighten your life and give you greater sparkle and joie-de-vivre?”.   Some people asked if I’d be joining in myself…..I said yes.

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This, without doubt, has been one of the most troubling articles I have received from Spirit and have ever offered….. I have kept to the content of the message, changing it only where necessary to personalise it…….   THE ROAD AHEAD Our world is speeding toward a time when a “new faith” will be required.

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165 years ago next month Charles Dickens published his famous and once-very popular novel “A Tale Of Two Cities”. It opened with the prophetic words: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times….” Since then, two terrifying world wars, over 35 other terrible wars, a catastrophic worldwide multi-year depression and seven

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Dear Friends, Australians closely reflect the societal norms of the US: 60%  have a chronic disease 42% of middle-aged women report feeling burned out 1 in 5 adults suffer from mental illness 2 in 5 adults are overweight (1 in 3 are obese! We also closely follow US medical practices so many of us are

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I often use the term ‘One-Ness’ and it concerns me that many people have trouble genuinely getting their head around its meaning… Like the term, “God” it means different things to different people. To some it is gibberish, to others visceral and to still others simply outside reality. So please let me help, if I

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I often use the term ‘God’ and it concerns me that I rarely explain what I actually mean when I use that word… I realize that it means different things to different people. To some it is childish, to others sacred and to still others it can be quite offensive. So please allow me to

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Do you have a bad back ache? Or a bad headache? Maybe a pain in the neck? Arthritis in some joint? Ulcers or bleeding gums? A leg that stops you from running? Or a stiff neck that makes it hard to swivel your head? Everyone of us has issues – they come with living! Whatever

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In 1956 Porter Wagoner wrote a very clever poem called “If Jesus Came To Your House”. A few of the lines included: Would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in? Or hide some magazines and put the Bible where they’d been? Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you planned to

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Soul-Light Guest Article on Brain Health & Repair

Dr Dave Eifrig is both an esteemed American physician and a highly regarded stockbroking advisor whose regular advice I respect. This arrived on my desk this morning and I feel its content is so wise, so important and so valuable I wanted to share it with you. Please share it with others you feel might

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Dear Friends, I write a great deal regarding human behaviour but at the end of the day I am primarily a Spiritual Teacher, Counsellor and Guide…. It is for this reason that this week I feel Spirit encourages to remind everyone that there is no death. Now… do you prove the veracity of such a

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Your immediate response is probably: how on earth can suffering possibly ever be a gift??! I believe the answer is that suffering can be used as a gift…. And that’s good news as everybody suffers in one way or another. And there’s lots of ways to suffer: emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, socially, racially….. And we

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In the 14th Century a writer wrote “the proof of a pudding is in the eating’. In other words, unless you experience a thing for yourself you cannot be sure. Unless you bite into the pudding how can you know what it tastes like? Others may tell you it’s good, it’s bad, it’s tasty, it’s

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