When I was a homeless teenager on the streets of ‘the Cross’ I carried what seemed like the very worst of all burdens: I was ugly.

Or so I thought.

I had large tumours on my body and I thought I looked untouchable, rather like ‘the elephant man’.

To cover my shame I wore long sleeved shirts, buttoned to the collar and the wrists……regardless of the weather.

In an attempt to avoid ridicule for wearing such attire I always wore  cufflinks and a tie (complete with tie-pin).

To add to this charade my shirt tail hung out and over my trousers to hide the two round backside patches in my frayed pants – and my shoes had cardboard inserts to hide the gaping holes in their soles.

I became an unemployed loner.

The librarian at the Kings Cross library saw another me.

She treated me like a human being and eagerly supported my efforts to continue my education away from school.

She recommended books, encouraged me in French and Latin and gave me a love of learning (and books) which I have to this day.

She introduced me to a wealthy doctor who also saw that other me.

I was admitted (as a charity case) to a private hospital where they removed a great many lumps and tumours…….(although I would continue to rapidly re-grow them for the next twenty years).

Both doctor and librarian saw me differently to the way I saw me.

They saw me as capable.

And their view over time coloured my own view.

Whilst still under the age of nineteen I changed from being a loner to being a member of a professional theatre company, writing for TV (including Bobby Limb and Dawn Lake), writing and performing ‘Poetry in the Pubs’, joining a church welfare group and privately setting up a ‘Half-Way House’ for young men released from prison.

How we see ourselves determines in large measure the life we get to experience and to live.

Loving people live lovingly in a loving and generally kind world.

Angry, sad, hurt people have to contend with an angry, sad or hurt world.

In both cases the world is the same world…….

It’s how we see ourselves that makes the difference.

So how do you see yourself?

I don’t mean how does your ego flatter you but how do you sincerely and genuinely see yourself?

And how does that view help you make the most of your life?

If you would benefit from a make-over, the good news is help is very close. Literally. So close in fact it’s within you!

Just allow your InnerSelf – the real you – to run your life for a little while – and see the difference it makes!

But don’t take my word for it………..  try it for yourself!!

If you get stuck, I am always here to help you…..

Peace be within you.

