A beautiful writer, Terri St Cloud wrote : “If (after death) I’m asked what I did with my life I want to be able to say “I offered Love”……
What would you say?
For some I’m sure the answer would be “made a lot of money” or “had some great jobs” or “visited some amazing places” or “had a great life”……
For others their answer might be “married the partner of my dreams” or “had the best kids in the world” or “let my creativity go wild”……
Sadly, for others the answer might be “managed to survive” or “just struggled for most of it” or “picked all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons”……
So, what do you already do (or intend to do – or be) that will ensure your life is the outstanding success it was meant to be?
How does your output help humanity (one person or a million people at a time……it makes no difference!) move forward into wholeness and happiness?
In effect why are you here?
What was/is your assignment from the Divine for this life?
How’s it going?
What are the obstacles holding you back?
What help do you need to progress it further?
Right now you have two choices:
1. Delete this email immediately and ignore it.
2. Face it.
When I did this exercise some 40 years ago I was “told” I was meant to be “a servant of God’s servants”.
So since then I have tried to be that. Hence my emails, books, workshops, meditations, talks, healings, personal sessions, etc.
You don’t have to end up being the richest or most famous person in the cemetery.
That helps no-one.
But it helps us all if you end up being the person you were always meant to be…….
And it especially helps you.
Need help?
Remember…….. I am here to help……..0414 524 601
Peace Be Within You!
Love and Blessings,
Community Of The Heart
Ps: A new movie “One Life” tells the story of one Englishman (Sir Nicholas Winton) who saved the lives of 669 Jewish children by privately arranging their transport to England as war started.
Most of their parents died at Auschwitz.
Movie OUT NOW. Well worth watching!!!