We all talk about it, all seek it, all obsess over it – but what is it?
Let’s start by being clear about what it isn’t…..
It isn’t sex.
It isn’t ego satisfaction.
It isn’t mere attraction.
It isn’t an obligation.
It isn’t the genetic impulse to have children.
It isn’t a euphoric feeling toward your childhood family.
It isn’t an optional alternative to single life.
It isn’t even getting all your own needs met by another.
All these things may be part of everyday life on planet Earth.
But they aren’t love.
Love is selfless service to another.
It is giving of one’s true self – the divine within – to another.
It is the sharing of one’s inner self – the divine – with another.
Love arises within oneself and of itself.
It asks for nothing; it merely gives effortlessly of itself.
It is attracted to those who seek its selfless service.
It seeks only to serve, to share, to care, to enhance.
It is the Spirit within seeking to express itself as fully as it can.
Therein lies its power, its vitality, its mesmerising allure…..
Come! Truly love!
And know that you are both the Lover and the Beloved yourself!
Peace be within you!
Our new integrative spiritual weekend workshops will commence shortly.
Trudi and I are itching to get started!
And you’ll really get a lot out of them!
In today’s crazy world they’ll be more worthwhile than ever!
So to be on our Special Seminars mail-list, please reply (if you haven’t already) – thankyou.