Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went out camping one weekend.
They took a tent big enough for a dozen men.
During the night Dr Watson looked up at the stars in the sky and whispered “Are you awake Sherlock?”
“I am” Sherlock replied.
“Do you see the wonders of the universe above us?”
“I do” Sherlock replied.
“The reflected luminescence from the moon?”.
“I do” replied the great detective.
“And the 5,000 stars visible to the naked eye….?
“Indeed” Sherlock muttered “Although if we had a telescope we could easily see over fifteen million stars, Watson”.
“Is anything more amazing?” asked Dr Watson.
“Indeed there is…..” replied Sherlock.
“What could that be?” asked Dr Watson.
“Someone has stolen our tent!!”
I missed something in my new book and have already been asked about it!! Am I an Aussie or still a Pommie?
I forgot to add the story about rushing into the Post Office to get a passport so I could urgently get to India.
The nice Russian-born and bred lady looked at me and said:
“You are not vun of uzz”.
I stared at her: “Not vun of uzz?” I said petulantly. After all, I had been in Australia since a child so I automatically assumed I was an ‘aussie’. But no – horror of horrors – I was still a Pommie…..
I quickly contacted the British Embassy who amazingly delivered a shiny new EU passport within 48 hours; and I also quickly filled in the forms to ensure I’d be an Australian Citizen shortly thereafter.
A simple message this week, my friends: enjoy the sacred magic of life, thrill to its beauty and intelligence!
But remember also to be practical.
Practicality brings observable, tangible value to every action you undertake, every move you make.
It’s also the reason why you were given arms, hands, fingers, legs and feet as well as your heart, brain, mind and spirit.
Hippocrates is credited with being an early believer in “use it or lose it”.
Modern neuroplasticity investigators affirm its truth.
So this year make the most of all of ‘you’!!
Every part of you is a gift of God for you to use wisely!!
Be wise.
Be practical, too!
Make sure you’re naturalised and no-one’s stolen your tent!!
Right now you can purchase a SIGNED COPY of my new book that shares my whole story – warts and all- ‘FROM DELUSION TO EVOLUTION’ delivered to your door for just $33.
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Over 430 pages, it also contains the immense spiritual wisdom of
This is –without doubt – the mountaintop of my beliefs and writings; and I am sure you will be as enriched by it as I continue to be…..
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Love and Blessings,
Community Of The Heart
PS: Remember I am always here to help you on your healing journey.
Free phone or skype sessions 7 days a week.