This, without doubt, has been one of the most troubling articles I have received from Spirit and have ever offered…..

I have kept to the content of the message, changing it only where necessary to personalise it…….



Our world is speeding toward a time when a “new faith” will be required.

It will be the birthing of a “new world” and, like all births, it will be accompanied by pain and fear as well as hope and joyfulness.

Society, the combined mass of humanity, has constantly been changing, developing and reinventing itself.

For many thousands of years it was focussed on a model of agricultural society and was centred around the family unit.

Then, just a short time ago, people moved from the land into cities and the age of mechanisation changed everything.

Cracks appeared in the dynamic of family and mechanical work gained greater focus.

Within a century the industrial revolution took hold and the family was further fractured and industrial work given even greater priority.

Then, within just another half century, the technological revolution developed and phones, computers, medical and industrial technology changed the face of society and the role of family once again….

Today we are on the very cusp of the next societal upheaval.

It will come faster than any other; and will disrupt society far more than any other.

It will be the era of Artificial Intelligence.

Millions of jobs will disappear as robots take over everyday tasks such as cleaning, driving, loading, warehousing, phone answering, cooking, retailing, mining, fabricating, writing, teaching, caring, mowing, delivering, policing, manufacturing ……the list is e-n-d-l-e-s-s.

Supermarket shelves will be robotically stacked and checkouts robotically managed.

Goods will be robotically delivered to your home.

Fast food outlets will be robotically operated.

The Army will incorporate robotic support units as will the Police and Government Administrations.

Basic Medical support will be robotised.

Service stations (and diesel fuels) will eventually disappear.

Every car on the road will be computer-tagged, battery operated with many being driverless

Bank funds and other assets will be electronically tagged.

Every purchase of anything will be electronically tagged.

Every person in a public space will be tagged, too.

Indeed, most people will find they are allocated a bio-metric Identity that will include eye, voice, finger, hair and foot prints along with multiple photographic identifiers and brain scans…..

This constantly updated identity will open (or close) the door to multiple options, activities, income streams, exemptions freedoms and restrictions.

Your health records will be updated daily.

Your social and spending records will be updated daily.

Your civil/societal records will be updated daily, too.

This way, you won’t be able to avoid “the system”.

Ownership of ‘things’ (such as houses, cars, boats, bikes, computers, furniture, etc) for many people, will become unnecessary. You will simple rent them, as required.

You will have moved (over many lifetimes) from a purely agrarian producer to a mechanical facilitator, then to an industrial constructor, then to a technology developer and finally… a Consumer.

Your task will be to consume, not own.

The greater your ability to consume, the greater your value will be to your society.

This is your society’s imminent future.

The key to moving through such an upheaval will be to anchor yourself in your own deeply held spiritual beliefs.

Stay close to them: focus through them.

Revere the Divine which you personally relate to and incorporate that reverence into everything you do, think, choose….

All will be safe.

That doesn’t mean life won’t be uncomfortable or testing…. It will.

But if you view and experience Life through the prism of your Spiritual beliefs you will move through this transition of humankind from ‘a developing Earthbound animal’ to ‘a citizen of the unfolding society of Gaia’.

Mankind is on the cusp of transmuting from one divine form into another higher divine form.

And you have chosen to be on the planet at this time of radical transmutation.

This does not chain you to the very worst excesses of this change – but it does chain you to this experimental change.

So the answer is to consciously, constantly and significantly embrace your spirituality.

No longer can your connection to the Divine be a sporadic, occasional, weekend-retreat kind of relationship.

With this planetary shift mankind is asked to seriously connect to its Higher Truths in all matters.

And this can only be undertaken person-by-person.

There is no societal safety net for those who choose to ignore the writing now clearly shown on the crumbling walls of our current civilization:

embrace the factual truths of your divine ‘being’ or remain as the temporary ‘being’ of your fictional truths……

The first approach will enable you to weather the societal storms that approach…….the second will sentence you to unparalleled distress and struggle.

Gaia is moving upward into this earthly realm.

But there will be many hits and misses on the way…..

Welcome to your new citizenship.

Welcome to Mankind’s next evolutionary step!

I shall do all I can to help and support you.


Peace be within you.
