No-one is ever just one thing. A mother or father. A taxi driver.
A doctor. A shop-keeper. A consultant. A mechanic. An electrician.
A Hairdresser. A Fashion designer. A carpenter. A herbalist.
Instead, we’re multiple persona in one body.
(Special reminder: my autobiography is now out!! Email for more details!)
So whilst most of you probably know me as Trudi’s partner or a spiritual author, workshop facilitator or retreat director…..
I have another side, too…
And that side might be able to help you if you are in business.
If you are, I invite you to read on….
If not, please simply stop now.
I’ll see you later in my usual column……………..!
I am a highly experienced marketing/sales training professional.
Albeit was a few years ago – but customers don’t change much so the expertise I shared with companies such as Fairfax Media (for 7 years), Philips, Kaiser (US), Dowty (UK), Daikyo (Japan), Norman Ross (10 years), American Hospital Care (US) is just as relevant today as it was then:
it was people-centred and profit-directed.
And I’m offering you a very rare chance to benefit from that.
Over 100 large companies and organizations retained me from major shopping centres, credit unions, health funds, resort islands, airlines, national retail groups, real estate networks, private hospitals, builders, national media groups, mining and industrial conglomerates, auto dealers along with ‘Mum and Dad’ retailers and local restauranters.
I was a visiting Lecturer in Marketing at New England University for two years and also advertising/copywriting Teacher at Sydney Tech College.
I ran one of Australia’s most prolific marketing and TV advertising production Houses (for over 10 years), creating over 2,500 TV ads, jingles, radio ads, brochures, press ads and weekend catalogue inserts across literally many hundreds of campaigns.
I wrote a regular national business column; occasionally wrote speeches for both major political parties; was a Member of a NSW Government
Marketing Board; Consultant to The International Diabetes Institute and facilitated seminars and workshops for businesses as varied as swim pool manufacturers to homeware groups, department stores, carpet and furniture retail groups, real estate agency groups, health facilities and finance organizations.
I also created “Dyer’s 33 Principles of Marketing Warfare”.
That’s one heck of a lot of experience!
So how can YOU benefit?
I’m offering just 10 people a 3-Day Business Intensive at Nambucca Heads, one of the finest beach-side holiday destinations in the world.
Friday 9am 18th April – Sunday 4pm 20th (Easter long weekend).
Fine cuisine. Private ocean-side accommodation.
Fully interactive, practical, hands-on intensive workshops specific to the individual needs of the attendees supported by unlimited one-on-one phone and skype sessions with myself for the following 6 months as your program unfolds into reality.
Cost: Just $3500 per person, credit cards welcome – all inclusive – all meals, private room, 3 days of fully personalized workshops and 6 months of personalized phone and skype support to help you unpack your vision!!
Workshop topics will be based on the ‘nuts & bolt” needs of the attendees.
They may include:
– effective sales training for staff
– market positioning
– management strategies
– expansion opportunities
– culture development
– vision, values and principles
– sales optimization
The purpose of the program is to help you effectively handle and prosper from the challenges of a radically evolving trading landscape.
It won’t be full of technical jargon because its purpose will be to realistically propel you into an orbit of significantly improved turnover and profitability.
You may currently work in a large organization, operate in a partnership or simply be a struggling sole trader – all could achieve great benefit.
To best benefit, you should significantly be sales-growth oriented, regardless of your activities.
Two real-life examples:
1. An unemployed steel worker needed to support his family.
I devised a garden maintenance program for him that took him from destitute to so successful that he was employing 7 other people fulltime within 6 months.
2. The trading figures of a large retailer with 29 stores and 660 staff had slumped to 73% of budget. I stepped in to advise the organization and by weeks 23-30 it was achieving 112% of budget and before the year was out it had increased
it sales overall for the period by a massive 117%.
It was heavily back in the black.
If you, your employer or a friend could benefit by such turnarounds then I urge you to invite them to apply today.
Applications to attend this 3- Day Business Intensive from:
Les Dyer (previous Committee Member AMI, Associate AIM, Executive Member MAANZ)
0414 524 601
Only applicants I feel I can significantly benefit and which I believe are ethical in their business dealings will be invited to attend.