Special Message: This week we have all witnessed intense fear, both between Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine and at home between Yes and No…….to mention just three current traumas.
I am reminded of Dr King’s famous line in 1958 during the dark days of legalised ‘Black Oppression” in the USA: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
If you are distressed by these or other traumas closer to home, maybe in your own neighbourhood or family…..remember Dr King’s words:
Only Light and Love for everyone can drive out darkness and hate.
It’s a choice we all make for ourselves.
THE CHOICE…..Part 2.
One of the replies I received this week was from Rosalie who shared….
Yesterday, I felt such joy after helping my lovely friend (a beautiful giving Indian lady called Priti). I felt the same joy, as if the outcome at her apartment, was the outcome in my own, and the joy in her spirit, was the same as the joy in my spirit. It’s the moment you know we are all one, just like when we truly connect with nature.
There are other times when I take, and I am gaining awareness around this. Is it from fear, greed, etc, or is it a process of letting the giver, give to me?
A process of receiving with Grace.
There’s a divine flow…….
This is the other side of the coin: receiving is just as important as giving…..
When I write in my last article ‘Greed takes. Selfishness takes.
Ignorance takes.’ I am describing greed, selfishness and ignorance.
These (and their kind) are destructive, negative actions.
Receiving and accepting are the opposite: they are vital acts that make giving possible.
They are positive, uplifting and life-enhancing when they are co-joined with giving.
They become the acts of Love, Spirit and Caring.
Often people are hesitant to receive: praise and compliments can be put aside out of embarrassment or humility; loving assistance can be rejected out of a false sense of interference; friendship can be dissuaded out of a sense of fear or exposure.
Yet when we accept (not take, but accept) we are allowing the fulfillment of Divine Love with Grace.
‘Accepting’ is an aspect of GIVING as it embraces receiving with sincere GRATITUDE rather than egoic self-importance.
When you and I find the means to treat one another in the same manner as we ourselves wish to be treated this world will transform from a living hell for billions of people to a living heaven for all of its people.
It starts and ends with each of us.
Let us give abundantly of our Light.
Let us accept abundantly of the Light of others.
Let us live abundantly as the Light.
Peace be within you.
Ps: our 2024 ‘Sun, Sand & Spirit Retreats’ will certainly help you connect to and deeply embrace your Inner Spirit!