In today’s hectic world, even at Christmas, many people live much of their time in a ‘fight or flight’ zone.
Neighbours, relatives, finances, home issues, work issues – even time off – can trigger distressing moments and pent-up trauma.
A great number of people have trouble relaxing and simply enjoying the moment. (It’s one of the main reasons drugs and alcohol are so incredibly popular).
Doctors will tell you that GABA is the primary neurotransmitter that helps you relax and reduces your stress. It allows you to emotionally and mentally function in a ‘parasympathetic mode’.
Peace, calm, relaxed clarity of thought, functioning ease and a sense of ‘okayness’ are regularly displayed and deeply experienced in GABA.
Glutamate is the alternate primary neurotransmitter that keeps its owners anxious, fearful, depressed and constantly worried.
It keeps you in a heightened ‘sympathetic mode’.
Lack of b6 or magnesium in your system or chronic stress and inflammation are all processes that stop the conversion of glutamate into gaba.
But excessive ‘busyness’ or certain behaviours (or lack thereof) can also worsen the condition.
So when any of those events happen you are kept prisoner in a hypertensive state of disorganisation, addiction and are easily annoyed, bothered and angered. Even my articles might annoy you!
Pills are regularly prescribed to help transmute glutamate into gaba – but there’s a much easier and far more effective method – and it’s one I highly recommend during this insane festive season.
And that is to incorporate into your everyday life ample time for
– exercise,
– meditation,
– mindfulness,
– yoga
– and insightful breathing….
These activities all convert glutamate into gaba – and thus offer you peace of mind, calm concentration and gentle living practices.
One regular reader wrote to add to the List I sent out last week:
16. Breath work and
17. Cold showers and
18. Grounding into the earth and above to the Divine.
Another lovely, long-time reader of my newsletters wrote:
Some I love to do are:
19, Say good morning to everyone I pass on my morning walks.
20, Sit outside and watch/listen to the birds.
21. chant.
22. Play my ukulele and Indian flute.
23. Bake yummy healthy food then give thanks before enjoying it.
24. Donate a couple of items of clothing or other to charity every week (feels good
and avoids clutter).
Wow! Do them all and you won’t have time to feel negative at all!!!!!
More than that, you’ll feel awesome throughout this hectic, festive season!
Love and Blessings,