An old friend of mine, Dr Judy Moss ( recently wrote about experiments that explains a great deal about human behaviour:
Experiment 1
Scientists were testing monkeys linked to EEG machines, with visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory (taste), etc stimuli, to find out which stimuli caused electrical responses in which parts of their brain. One day a scientist came back from lunch eating a banana. He happened to look over to the monkeys, who were still linked to the EEG machine. He noticed that as the monkeys watched him eating the banana, the same part of the monkeys’ brain fired off, as if they were eating the banana themselves.
Conclusion: The Brain cannot distinguish between what it imagines and what is real.
Result: Whatever stories you tell yourself often enough, whatever you visualise often enough… eventually creates neurological changes in your brain, which become hardwired, create your new beliefs, influence your perceptions, choices and actions and eventually create your new reality.
Experiment 2
It began with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hung a banana on a string and a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey went to the stairs and started to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touched the stairs, all of the other monkeys were sprayed with cold water. After a while, another monkey made an attempt with the same result, and all the other monkeys were sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon the monkeys tried to prevent any monkey climbing the stairs to get the banana.
The experimenters then put away the cold water. They removed one monkey from the cage and replaced it with a new one. The new monkey saw the banana and wanted to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attacked him. After another attempt and attack, he understood that if he tried to climb the stairs, he would be assaulted.
Next, they removed another of the original five monkeys and replaced it with a new one. The newcomer went to the stairs and was attacked. The previous newcomer took part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Then they replaced a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth.
Every time the newest monkey took to the stairs, he was attacked. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys had ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approached the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they knew “that’s the way it’s always been done around here.”
Judy then went on to explain the group dynamics of people in relation to ‘Obedience to Authority’, where the authority demands allegiance and encourages one group of participants to denigrate and punish another group for disobedience to the authority. Milgram, a social researcher, placed respondents into three categories:
1. Those who obeyed, but justified themselves. Some obedient participants gave up responsibility for their actions and transferred the blame to the authority. Members of this group would, perhaps, continue to do whatever the authority demanded in the future and never question the authority.
2. Those who obeyed but blamed themselves. They felt badly about what they had done and were quite harsh on themselves. Members of this group would, perhaps, be more likely to challenge authority, if confronted with a similar situation in the future.
3.Those who rebelled. Rebellious subjects questioned the authority of the experimenter and argued there was a greater ethical imperative calling for the protection of the ‘learner’ over the needs of the authority/experimenter. Some of these individuals felt they were accountable to a higher authority. Interestingly, this group was in the minority.
The conclusion was, in part, that many of us are so entrenched in obedience, that we may void personal codes of conduct, values and priorities. We never discover our own dreams and/or if we do, we give up on those dreams by denying them, by conforming to and living the ideas, values, priorities and dreams of others. Coming from our assorted backgrounds and experiences, many of us do not dare to dream big. Many of us have been conditioned to obey the social ‘norm’, to cut down the tall poppy.
Judy’s article surely reminds us that we need to re-assess the prominence and power we give to our brain and rediscover our Higher Power within. By doing so, Brain can become our Servant once again (rather than our Master!). When we access and function from beyond the brain we live in that stream of consciousness which offers us freedom, happiness and fulfillment: we come from Mind!
Mind won’t be found in the body: it’s not part of our hard-wired brain. It’s accessed via the Heart – and for this reason it requires courage, compassion and discipline to go there!
But the rewards are overwhelming! We discover the True, Joy-filled and abundant Self, free of need or desire for any manipulative practices.
Why not make this your Resolution for 2014?
To go, live, stay and blissfully enjoy where many others have only imagined……into the heart of your own being?
More next fortnight!