Make the ‘Impossible’ Possible in 2017

It’s almost time to welcome in 2017!
And it’s already starting to burst with opportunities!
Can you feeeeel them?
Can you see them?
Are you excited?

What plans are you making to create this new year as your most awesome yet?
Maybe to become an artist?
Or fly a plane?
Visit China?
Possibly write a book?
Completely heal from a long-term illness?
Gain greater prosperity?
Hang glide or bungee jump?
Find a fantastic life partner?
Take on a truly fulfilling job?
Join an Aid Organisation and help overseas?
Learn the guitar…….or maybe join a band?
Move interstate?
Make more friends?
Study for a great new career?
Help out at a local nursing home?
The opportunities will be limitless!
What do YOU want to do?!?

We just have to remember that almost anything  we think is impossible is just that – our thinking!
Very little is impossible…….although if we think it is, it probably will be!
So we need to look at that word  – IMPOSSIBLE – and see it through fresh eyes!
Let’s turn IMPOSSIBLE into…….I’M POSSIBLE.

Just add the hyphen and the space.
In other words, honour yourself – and give yourself a little time and space.

Put it up on your wall: I’M POSSIBLE!!

Now almost everything’s possible……..what do you want to enjoy, experience and achieve in 2017?
(Ten minutes to write out your list………..)

Okay! So NOW let’s give thanks that what you want IS NOW POSSIBLE.
With gratitude it’s far more likely to happen!!
So get that poster up on the wall today!
……..And just think of the possibilities that are just around the corner!!!
I wish you an enriching, fulfilling and spiritually aware 2017!
Blessings and love,