Life is Wonderful!

Life is wonderful.
I’m sure you’ll agree – how could you not?
Life, everywhere, and in every instant, is always wonderful.
I can see you starting to waiver…..surely, you ask me, it’s not always wonderful, is it?
What about floods, fires, famine, foreclosures, feuds, fighting and other fearful happenings – they can’t be viewed as wonderful, can they?
Certainly not, I answer.
But my original statement didn’t include the vicissitudes and fortunes of life: it simply said ‘Life is Wonderful’.
In other words,
Life is ONE-De-FULL.

Life is ONE.
We can surely all agree with this in several ways…..
1. All Life is One, simply expressing Itself in multitudinous ways.
This means that there’s really no innate value difference between one thing and another – all are equally a part of the Whole.
When we stop artificially comparing and valuing one thing against the other, we start ACCEPTING the Divine by accepting what is.
Can you do this?
Will you start to do so this fortnight?

2. All Life is One, simply expressing Itself in infinite forms.
This means that all is constantly and continually changing – and that all change happens within the Essence and Existence I call the Divine. Change isn’t bad, it’s inevitable and natural. Nothing stays the same.
When we stop artificially trying to stop change (or modifying it to our own presumed needs), we start ACCEPTING the Divine by accepting change in and through our Life.
Can you do this?
Will you start to do so this fortnight?

3. All Life is One, simply expressing Itself eternally.
This means that nothing dies, although everything changes – and that holds true for humans beings as much as it does oxygen, lead, plutonium, yesterday’s sunset and your last thought. How could a part of the Divine die?! What could it die to? Being eternal, everything simply evolves.
When we stop viewing life as birth and death – a busy window in the middle of an endless pane of nothingness – we start ACCEPTING the Divine by accepting the eternal continuity of ourselves and everyone and everything else.
Can you do this?
Will you start to do so this fortnight?

Three simple challenges for you this week!
I shall continue this topic next time, including exploring more fully Life is ONE-De-FULL.
In other words, this One Life is also FULL of its own Livingness.
Which means that nothing is which is not of that One Life.
And nothing is lacking within that One Life, either.
Can you accept this?
Will you start to come from this perspective this fortnight?

A survey of 12,000 Australians has just found that over 50% of us don’t like muslims; around 25% don’t like jews; over 35% don’t even like indigenous Australians.
So an Islamic member of the Kurkudgeree tribe has an 85% chance of being disliked.
And that’s before he opens his mouth…..
It’s the same with supposedly minority, fringe and alternative groups throughout the world.
We all have a long way to go.

I send you boundless love!
Blessings to your family and friends,
