Before this week’s article, I’d like to take a moment to directly THANK YOU for being part of my (and Trudi’s) wider family.
We may meet rarely, if at all (you may not even reply to my emails) but you are still a beloved part of our spiritual family,,,,and life would be less satisfying without YOU in it.
YOU are part of the Godhead; and my promise forty years ago was to always remember that and treat YOU with the courtesy, respect and gratitude worthy of the Divine, as best I can.
In other words, I REMEMBER who YOU truly are…….   


A couple had been married for a great many years and were coming to the end of their earthly journey together.

The wife had been moved into a nursing home due to her dementia.

The husband went to the doctor to get immunized against winter flu and it was suggested he come back in the morning when the nurse would be on duty.

“What time?” he asked.

“Doesn’t really matter, does it?” answered the doctor.

“It certainly does” said the gentleman “Because I always have breakfast at the Home with my wife”.

“But she won’t remember you, anyway” laughed the doctor.

“That may be so” replied the gentleman. “It’s true she doesn’t remember me – but I still remember her”.

Life isn’t a two-way transaction: I’ll be nice to you if you’re nice to me.

I’ll help you if you help me.

I’ll be kind to you if you’re kind to me.

Real life is being kind as best you can.

Real life is being friendly, as best you can.

Real life is being helpful, as best you can.

And courteous, as best you can.

And selfless, as best you can.

Real life is seeing the Divine in the other person, as best you can.

It doesn’t mean you don’t see their failings.

It doesn’t mean you allow yourself to be ever abused or used by anyone.

But it does mean you allow yourself to move from fractional relationships based on quid-pro-quo: you help/love/support me and to that degree I’ll help/love/support you….. to entire relationships based on authentic principles of caring, loving, giving, sharing, compassionate, selfless community….as best you can.

I know it’s not easy…….

I am aware our ego’s freak out at the very idea.

But it’s the very heart and truth of a spiritually embedded Life.

Just like the old gentleman…..people in your circle of friends and associates may not remember who they truly are but that isn’t your issue.

They may be blissfully ignorant that they’re more than an individual  blip sparking between life and death.

That doesn’t matter either.

What matters is that you truly remember who they truly are.

And treat them accordingly…….as best you can.

Remember…….. I remember YOU.


Peace Be Within You!

Love and Blessings,


Community Of The Heart

Ps: Need healing or healing prayer or spiritual counseling?
All is freely available.
Just give us a a call or email……