This week I offer you a Prayer.
For me, prayer is the act of giving thanks.
It asks for nothing; it gives thanks for everything.
It honours All That Is……..
Dearest God,
Today I went foraging in the garden of my mind…… and I found so many things I thought I’d lost……
I found my courage to face the things that confront me in each sparkling moment…..and then I found the courage not to worry senselessly about the future.
I found my enthusiasm to live life as the surprise adventure it was always meant to be…..
I found my forgiveness….and I used it to forgive myself for feeling guilty about the past…….
I found my compassion – and I used it on myself.
I found my gratitude to greet each new day eagerly……..
I found my heart…..and I gave it to everyone I could….. especially those I had withheld it from……
I found my Soul……and rejoiced to find it as whole, entire and perfect as when You gave it me so many aeons ago…….
And then, dear God, I found You……..and I knew I only had to stop falling asleep to stay inYour wondrous presence…….