(Trudi’s yummy nut-loaf alternative to eating animals at Christmas is at the bottom of this article!! It’s de-lic-ious!!!!)
Next Monday is the day set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Jesus, for us, is a great messenger of Divine truths.
For some people, he IS the Divine in human form.
Whatever your beliefs, he is well worth listening carefully to!
So here are some of the truths he was reported as sharing with his friends…..
“I and my Father are One”.
“The Father is in me and I in him”.
“I seek not my own will but the will of the Father who sent me”.
“The Father gave me a commandment: what I should say and what I should speak”.
“He that believes me, the works that I do, he shall do also – and greater works than these he will do”.
These are the teachings of a very great Humanist/Philosopher/Scientist.
This man was born in a very human way; lived in a very typical way and died in a tragically typical way for his time and place, too.
Science is starting to prove his statements to be absolutely correct..
All is, ultimately One.
A life-force that exceeds a single life exists within all of us.
Teachings get ever closer to the Truth as the Seeker goes deeper within.
Our deepest desire is always to be more: more love, more peace, more joy, more compassion, more harmony, more at one…..
He also said that we could do the same good works that he did….
In other words he truly believed and trusted in us!
Are we able (and willing) to convert that trust into action?
In other words are we willing to be like Jesus?
To help heal the sick?
To support the poor?
To accept the outcast?
To reject greed?
To live as a child (son or daughter) of God?
To function from the reality that “I and my Father are one”?
And to do the even ‘more than him’ he said we were capable of?
These are not trivial questions: society swings on our answers!
In effect, are we willing to embrace the ‘messiah’ within each of us?
For that is what his life and death surely asks of us.
Not a sacrifice – but an affirmation:
We are all aspects of the Divine and our birth, like his, is a chance to re-affirm the preciousness of life; and our death, like his, a chance to re-affirm the preciousness of our constant resurrection.
Truly, we are each born as a Messenger of God.
Yes, each of us.
Yes, that means you.
None of us came here to just be observers……
A very peace-filled, joy-full, kind and caring Christmas to you.
May the Messiah-within each of us be born anew this Christ mass!
Love and Blessings,
Les and Trudi
Trudi’s Nut Loaf Recipe……
(Multiple x 3 for 16-18 serves)
2 Cups of crushed nuts (pecans, almonds, cashew, walnuts)
1 cup of green lentils (I use a tin of brown lentils)
1 chopped onion
1 large grated carrot
1 medium grated zucchini
2 cloves of garlic
2 beaten eggs
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 large bunch chopped fresh herbs – sage, rosemary & oregano
Salt & Pepper to taste
Fry onion until caramelised then add garlic, herbs and mushrooms
and fry for 1 minute
Blend lentils with water until a soupy consistency
Chop nuts in a food processor until fine
In a large bowl, mix together – onion mixture, lentils, nuts, carrots
& zucchini, cheese and eggs & mix well.
Line the base of 2 loaf tins with spray olive oil & baking paper, then
pour in mixture and cook for 45 minutes – 1 hour @ 200 degrees.