Last week I asked you to journal the answer to the question:
what kind of lifestyle would make you most happy?
One Reader wrote “I waste my time…playing solitaire…watching Netflix….worrying about whether the cushions are at the right angle. I have a Phd in trivia…..”.
Such honest appraisal of ourself goes a long way toward helping us discover what kind of lifestyle best suits us.
However, our perspective on life often gets in our way of doing anything positive to actually achieve the kind of lifestyle and the happiness we seek.
One simple exercise to change that is to change our negative perspectives.
This is more easily done than many people believe – after all, whatever perspective we have about anything isn’t actually ‘scientific fact” but only our particular view of the situation.
Normally, it’s one of many possible views we could have.
(and many of our friends or family probably even have different views to ours!)
So, to be happier all we have to do is change our view.
A reader last week perfectly illustrated this: This year I didn’t get my (work) contract renewed.
So without regular income….. I was really unhappy.
HOWEVER I was able to go into ‘What lesson am I learning here, what positives are able to come from this and It didn’t take me long to realise I can spend more time with my new grandson and daughter, spend more time on my own self care.
I can live more frugally…other things will come up and in the meantime I will have more time to be still, to sit, to raise my vibration so more good things will come my way.”
This week, rewrite on ONE page your entire past life making everything neutral or positive.
For tragedies – such as a loved one tragically died – don’t colour it to worsen the story.
They died.
For expectations that suddenly unravelled – such as a partner leaving you, a job being terminated or an opportunity being missed – keep to the simple facts but also find a benefit that arose as a consequence…
Notice how you much lighter and happier you feel after you’ve finished your one page biography…
Happy writing!