This week we’ll discuss ……….divesting ourselves of our diversions!
Diversions clutter our social scene and range from the television to the mobile phone, from emails to Instagram…….
I am reliably informed that the more time people spend on Facebook (for example), the unhappier they become and the less satisfied with life they are, too.
Ditto for Twitter and most of the other social media platforms.
In fact, the more one lives on social media the less most of us live within the warmth and comfort of human company.
And it is human company – not our technology – that affords us true happiness.
Our diversions actually separate us from the healing and empowering might that we gain from direct multi-dimensional contact with the soul of humanity, with people.
Our diversions allow avoidance and encourage aversion of intimate, heart-felt human connectedness.
Diversions make us strangers in a world rich with an essential sense of family.
So how do we divest ourselves of these diversions (and still keep their benefits)?
The answer is to budget our time.
We have just 24 hours each day. Part is for Sleep. Part is for Awake.
First, review how much of Awake Time you give to your many Diversions.
Then, consider how you might reduce your Diversion Time and increase your Human touch-time.
The more you reduce your Diversion time and increase your Human touch-time the more real happiness you will experience.
Real experiences with real people = real life and real happiness.
Oops! Gotta go! My email time is up now!
Cheers and much Happiness!