Death comes to all of us.
At Easter Christians celebrate the life and mortal passing of a most remarkable and selfless man called Yeshua.
He not only overturned the money lenders’ tables outside the synagogue but also laid the groundwork for what has been the most influential religion of the last two millennia.
Many of you know I channel another Jewish Teacher named Mordechai who lived around 580 years earlier than Jesus but also in the Middle East.
I felt it might be appropriate to share one of his messages, received in 1993.
It seems very appropriate for this time of world confusion and turmoil.
As your world moves into a new sense of global villageness it needs a new ‘myth’, a new ‘religion’.
This ‘myth’, this new ‘religion’, needs to be able to absorb the truths of all past and present religions. Man should not forego those truths he already knows – nor throw out wholesale his deeply abiding history, his myths.
He must dissolve his known truths in the clear waters of a higher truth.
Man needs religion for guidance.
Man needs myths for understanding.
And ‘though his myths are both false and distorted (and his religions are but fragmented glimpses of God’s totality layered with gross deceptions) they are still the basis of his future growth.
New guidance is needed to enable Man to build on his present understandings in a spirit of worldwide understanding.
This truth is evident to all who seek for it: planetary acceptance of that truth will lead to harmony, mutuality, interdependency, social understanding, cohesiveness, peace and a healing world.
This new guidance must break much new ground.
It must strip away the false pretensions of current beliefs, retain truths in their untarnished form and, at the same time, add knowledge to the armoury of Man that he may recognize its greater truths and thus dissolve his own in them.
Thus he may go forward into the next realm of his development.
In this realm Man must take responsibility for his soul and its further development.
He must take responsibility for his errant and irresponsible actions upon and within the living planet Earth.
He must take responsibility for his own interconnectedness with God and all and every life-form everywhere.
To achieve this new step in his evolution Man must evolve from a sensory-limited being to a multi-sensory Being.
He must expand his sense-awareness.
He must recognize – and repair – his lacks; and recognize – and develop – his God-given abilities. These include appreciation, beauty, laughter, compassion, care, intuition, intelligence love, peace and selflessness.
He must come to intimately know the God within – not as a vague backstop to be introduced into life on special occasions….but as the true ‘God Within’ and within whom exists all consciousness, all intention, all action, all physicality, all non-physicality and all existence.
This is the Path of ‘Innerstanding’.
It is the path of growth toward integration of body and soul.
It is the path of Truth and Reality.
It is the path which leads to Consciousness, Godliness and God.
By this Path may Man rediscover the absolute beauty of life, the wondrous joy of being and the immense harmony of existence.
Follow the Path!
Peace Be Within You!
MORDECHAI June 1993.
Peace be within you!