Dear Friends,
This year society is in for more than its ordinary share of chaos, politically, economically and socially……
So what can we personally do about it?
Not much.
But we can ensure we don’t have chaos in our own lives!!
We best do this by ensuring our positive intentions hold our moment-by-moment attention.
Instead, for many people across the globe their attention is sadly focussed on the destructive negatives of
what they don’t have,
what they can’t do,
where they can’t go….
And wherever a person focusses their attention they can be assured it will form the structure of the world they live in…
Focus on lack…..invite lack.
Focus on war…..invite war.
Focus on paucity…..invite paucity.
Focus on stress….invite stress.
Focus on pain…..invite pain.
Focus on anger….invite anger.
BUT if instead we focus our attention moment-by-moment on our life-enhancing intentions we will find our life immeasurably improves in quality, content and output.
Focus on healing others ….invite healing for oneself.
Focus on helping others…invite help for oneself.
Focus on supporting others….invite support for oneself.
Focus on appreciating others….invite appreciation for oneself.
Focus on the god-light within others….invite your own god-light to shine immeasurably more brightly!
What are your private and personal intentions for this year?
Focus on them alone and watch them strengthen and expand.
Love and Blessings,
Ps: You are always very welcome to join our Healing Prayer Vigil and send intentional healing energy to those who seek help…..
PPs: You are always welcome to speak with me if you have trouble finding those positive intentions to focus your life on!!!
Just email me and we can make a time for a free phone or skype chat…..