When the Roman army marched into England in 43 AD its soldiers (and their female helpers) walked over 2,500kms fully laden just to get there.
There were no planes, trains or motorcars.
When Genghis Khan, the Mongolian ruler of China took his warriors (and often, their women) west, conquering the lands he crossed as he went, (around 1200 years later) his men also went via foot, travelling over 7,500 kilometres, again fully laden, before enjoying the delights of the Danube River in Germany at the end of their foot trip.
These were amazingly long rough-track trips; and tens of thousands of our ancestors did them (and many others beside).
They were physically much tougher humans.
Why do I mention this?
Because I think too often we think life is getting too tough.
Many of us have trouble walking five kilometers.
Add a 4kg bag of groceries and we’re stretching our capabilities.
But…is that really why we’re here?
Now, you might think our intelligence makes up for our physical deterioration……but is this true?
Scientists in Japan did a test of chimpanzees versus humans in basic memory. 100 random numbers were flashed up onto a screen, one after the other, each just one second apart.
The best a human could remember and repeat was around 15.
The best a chimp could manage? 45 of the 100.
And that chimp could teach the others how to improve their skills, too.
So we’re not physically that tough these days.
And we’re not as mentally clever as we’d like to think we are.
(Let’s face it….most of us can’t even fix a car that suddenly stops).
But I believe we’re far more capable in other ways than we ever imagine!
To start with: your body stores every memory and every experience you’ve ever had.
Scientists can confirm this.
Every memory of every experience.
They’re stored throughout your body, in every cell and organ….
Don’t believe me?
Simply think back to something lovely but sad and your hand automatically reaches to caress your heart…..
Think of something hurtful you were once told and you automatically scrunch up your ears and your face…….
But how many of those old memories can you actually recall?
And how many more seem “totally forgotten”…?
Where do you think they went?
They’re still within you.
So what’s my point?
Maybe progress isn’t being physically tough or mentally clever.
Maybe real progress is owning who we really are…..
Life often gets hard when we step away from the Truth.
And there’s never been a more pressing and important time in human existence for us to embrace our inner power and truth than right now!!!
The American writer, Aubrey Marcus once said:
“You are comprised of 84 minerals, 23 Elements, and
8 gallons of water spread across 38 trillion cells.
You have been built up from nothing by the spare parts of the
Earth you have consumed, according to a set of instructions hidden in a double helix & small enough to be carried by a sperm.
You are recycled butterflies, plants, rocks, streams, firewood, wolf fur, and shark teeth, broken down to their smallest parts and rebuilt into our planet’s most complex living thing.
You are not ‘living on Earth’.
You are Earth.”
We are the stars and the earth and everything in between.
When we truly face ourselves we’ll discover we are the One we have been seeking and searching for.
We’ll discover there’s nothing to compare ourselves against.
We can stop fighting our selves, our situation, our planet.
We can lay down all our arms and embrace ourselves, our planet, our enemies, our friends and our situations.
There is nothing to be except our True Selves.
And if life is getting too hard it is surely because we are refusing to embrace the simplicity and the loving energy of our truth.
So this week I suggest you write out and repeat at least 10 times a day to remind yourself as often as is necessary……
I am a living, loving, consciously expanding aspect of the Divine just as I am!
Peace be within you!
The Wait is over!!!
Our new integrative spiritual weekend workshops will commence very, very shortly in south-east Queensland!
This will hopefully be the most transformative series of weekends you will ever experience and will allow you to express the truly empowered and authentic ‘you’.
Trudi and I have designed them to move you from ‘victim’ to ‘victor’, from being “casualty of chaos’ to a ‘cause for celebration’.
To be on our Special (and private) Seminars mail-list, please reply to this email with YES in the subject line – thankyou.