Many of us are in remission.

Some in remission from cancer.

Some in remission from physical pain.

Some in remission from emotional trauma.

Others have had a debt or a penalty remitted.

Or even a jail sentence.

In all these cases (and more) the sense of remission is often like a heavy weight that hangs over us ready to fall.

At any time the rope of relief can break sending the original trouble crashing back down on us……

If this affects you at all I encourage you to re-think, re-word and re-visualise your Self.

Instead of being in “remission” see yourself as “whole again”.

The medical intention of the word ‘remission’ is: a temporary diminution of the severity of disease or pain

That is an unhealthy and unhelpful attitude or belief to hold.

It infers your condition will return.

It’s almost a promise.

There is no point, no value at all in absorbing and living by such an understanding.

Are you in remission from the cold or flu?

If, as a child, you had measles or mumps are you living in remission from them?

So why go along with a negative and damaging belief that you are in remission from anything else?

The only effect of such a belief is destructive and often deadly.

I therefore urge you – for your own sake – to disown this word and its recognised meaning.

Instead tell yourself and everyone else that you are OVER IT.

It’s gone.

It’s yesterday.

Today is a new day.


Will it come back or re-occur?

Who knows. Maybe. But maybe not.

But at least you’re not waiting for it.

Expecting it.

Planning your life in advance around its anticipated re-arrival…….

Live your life fully.

Some days and some events will be difficult.

Sometimes we will be challenged by circumstances .

And one day we will die.

These are all incontrovertible facts.

But for now, for today…… it’s not happening.


So live in the NOW.


Peace be within you.




Consider spending a weekend of very special private and personal days with Trudi and myself facing and acknowledging our truth, our power, our love and our empowering Spirit.
September Friday 27th 6pm to Sunday 29th 5pm
October Friday 28th 6pm to Sunday 20th 5pm
Workshop costs are just $199!!!!