In Judaism the story is told of the Israelites being slaves in Egypt and of their escape, led by Moses, across the Red Sea, decimating and drowning the Egyptian army and pharaoh chasing them.

The sea’s narrow end is about 15km wide and 70 metres deep.

We shall ignore the fact there is no Egyptian record of this event whatsoever (and the Egyptians recorded every flood, famine, plague, war, tax payment, pharoah’s death and royal birth).

There are two Jewish versions of their exodus from Egypt.

In the Torah, God asks Moses “Why are you asking me?!” (to save the Jews from the Egyptians chasing them).”Tell your people to keep moving!” (my reasonably accurate version in English).

Then Moses lifts his staff high and the Red Sea parts to allow the

Jews to escape….

In the Kabbalah, after God castigates him, Moses sets an example by lifting his staff high and walking straight into the Red Sea…. up to his ankles, his knees, his waist, his chest, his neck, his mouth, his nose – and the Red Sea parts to allow the Jews to escape……

What a great (although gory and I believe fictional) story!

God says: “Why ask me?! Tell your people to keep moving forward!”.

In other words, it’s no good simply asking the Divine to change our situation for us – we have to be the change we seek!!

Too many people think that the Divine is some kind of Genie on standby, patiently awaiting to fulfill our every request or urgent command……

The truth is……..She’s not!!

“Keep moving forward!” says the Divine. “I’ve given you everything you need to improve your self, your society, your planet…

All the positive changes you seek you can achieve with all the tools

I have already given you…… You’ve just gotta start using them!!

Don’t expect me to click my fingers and eradicate the mess you’ve made for yourselves – because I won’t.

You made the mess, you fix up the mess.

You have everything you need to do so within you!!”.

The fact, the truth and the reality is that:

God does nothing for us but has endowed us with everything we need and will joyfully and happily do everything with us……

We just need to start ACTING AS IF we’re the empowered, loving, co-operative, caring, kind, helpful, constructive people we actually already are within!

Whilst I’m exploring this ancient story…..what about the slavery???

(The Egyptians have no history of any enslavement of jews)……

So what’s the real meaning of that bit of the yarn?

Hands up those who aren’t living in slavery?

Maybe to alcohol or cigarettes or drugs or work or violence or money or sex or abuse or sports or fame or leadership or status or political or financial chicanery…….

In the same way that Moses led those people out of ‘slavery’ …. spiritual truth (the authentic gem at the centre of all true religions and bona fide belief systems) can lead you and I out of our bondage, our slavery to this or that – and into Paradise….here, now…….

Yes, Paradise is simply a cultural ‘Change of Attitude’ away….. and we ALL have our part to play in bringing it about.

We have to start ACTING AS IF we’re the empowered, loving, co-operative, caring, kind, helpful, constructive people we actually already are within!

(We’ll soon find out our ‘acting’ isn’t ‘acting’ at all….!!!)

So as soon as the cyclone passes overhead (please stay safe!) let’s all   get ready……move forward……. and cross the waters of Ignorance into the Land of Love, Gratitude, Kindness, Compassion and Oneness!

Regrettably, no-one can do it for us.

So it’s up to each of us to DO it for ourselves…… and for the future of our species.


Many blessings!


Peace be within you.

