ACRONYMS for……..Always Choosing Respectful Opportunities Nurturing Your Metaphysical Self.

Many thanks to everyone who responded to my E.A.S.T.E.R. article with its acronyms…… they were amazing!!

Peter offered….

Engaged Awareness Sustains Truth Eternally Renewing


Heidi offered….

Enter Awareness Sitting Thoughtless Encompassing Reality


Marguerite offered….

Encourage Awareness Serenity Truth Empathy Realisation


Maria offered….

Exciting Amazing Sparkling Times Encourages Richness


And Willow offered…..

Everyone Attains Success Trust Empathy Respect


Thankyou to everyone who replied – I deeply appreciate your contributions and feedback – you also helped me with more ideas!

I thought we could s-t-r-e-t-c-h it out one more week – so here’s three more from me for you to use as a base for coming up with your own great acronyms!!!

Life:    Love In Full Expression

Love:  Life’s Oneness Valued Eternally

Fear:  False Expectations Appearing Real

There is, of course, great value in such acronyms….

They help us find and focus on our own inner wisdom.

And at the end of the day what matters most to us – and forms the very foundation of our being – is whatever we personally believe.

After all, what we truly believe becomes the bedrock of our individual existence!

So this is a great exercise in better understanding the wisdom and truth you already accommodate deep within…..

Try it for yourself!





I shall sign and post a copy of one of my books to the best 10 replies.

Many blessings!

Peace be within you.

