Here’s a way to access your true consciousness in just 7 seconds.
It’s a tad easier than falling off a log – so give it a go!!
Keep your body still……
Swivel your neck to the left: pick something to look at…..
Then swivel your neck to the right: pick something else……
Then zip from one to the other, not too fast, not too slow…..
Be fully aware of the two points you’ve picked out…..
Zip left and right….. and left and right……. about seven times.
Then stop.
Be aware of what you thought about “in the middle”….
In that space between those two anchoring thoughts…..
After you get over wondering what was there….. you realize you were aware of nothing.
No thoughts.
No thing.
That’s you, the real you, your true beingness……
The canvas of consciousness.
The tapestry on which you create your every moment of existence.
It’s not an absence of awareness: it’s the very heart of true awareness.
You can’t enjoy it without owning it in the moment….
It takes effort to access it; and effort to keep it in your awareness.
So take the next step…..
It’s a tad harder but so fulfilling when you’ve mastered it!
Learn to e-x-p-a-n-d that emptiness…….
Then e—x—p—a—n—d it more……
Then e—-x—-p—-a—-n—-d it even further…….
You are connecting to fathomless depths of compassion, care, kindness, love, selflessness, gratitude and joy far beyond your ordinary, everyday, busy, chaotic, uncontrolled life!
Welcome to your True Self!!
Peace be within you.
SOUL-LIGHT Vol 1 & 2 Back in stock! Only $27.50 Including postage.
Vol 1 – covers a wide range of topics from self-sabotage through to abundance – in each case challenging the reader to think again about how to effortlessly improve their own responses, reactions and ways of living.
Vol 2 – We live our truth and love our life when we move away from the delusions of everyday society and embrace the truth, found within, of who we really are.
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