A conversation with Janelle….

Every week I get a great deal of emails….some sharing ideas with me, some reflecting back some part of a newsletter…. This came from Janelle. I thought it particularly relevant so I thought I’d share it with you all…..

Not long before I wrote this poem, was my 1st meeting with you Les;

I had a private reading (about 30 years ago) and you told me I was a “healer”….. You gave me confirmation.

Years ago I used to communicate with a Spirit, his name came through as ”Simon” (although Spirits aren’t too concerned on names), but I use to call him Simple Simon as he gave things to me in such a simple form and very easy to understand,

The Spirit always came through in clear white light…..

One morning I woke up and I had a very strong urge to write, so I sat at my kitchen table and I wrote. It took only a few minutes to write this and it still amazes me today.

This is what came through from Simon……

(Ps I have very little knowledge on writing poetry and have never written another one in 30 years)………


Thought Changes.

We need a change upon this Earth,

A change for PEACE,


and WORTH,

A change of THOUGHT is what we need,

Change our thought from HATRED,


and GREED,

We ALL are products

of how we think.

To CHANGE our thoughts

IS the Link,

So, if you want HAPPINESS,


Take a look at your own THOUGHTS,

And Change the way You THINK..


I realised later the poem was a clear message for me as well as for others.

As we know the Universal Law is CAUSE and EFFECT so it’s SIMPLE to see.

If our thoughts are from HATRED, JEALOUSY and GREED that’s what we’re going to get back in return…..



Thankyou Janelle!

Next week our ‘Conversation With God’ continues….

Due to last minute cancellations we are also offering 2 private rooms next week (19-23 October) in our QUIETEST/smallest retreat for 2020 for just $895 each….

This is exceptional value if you are seeking greater harmony, peace or healing. Inclusive of room, meals, yoga, workshops, my talks, tranquility….

Credit cards welcome…….more details below


