

In The Cave Of The Masters

Meditation and beautiful Music for spiritually connecting with Jesus and Buddha.

Ideal for adults seeking inner answers and connection to higher states of aware Consciousness.

“Now you move further into the cave…. and here you find two solitary people wearing monk-like robes, sitting side by side…..”

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

In The Hands Of God

Focussed Meditation and deeply calming Music for achieving intense inner peace. Ideal for adults seeking emotional peace, spiritual security, mental serenity, wholeness and one-ness with the Divine Presence.

“Allow this hand to gently enclose you and lift you high…. all around you is the endless blue of the sky…. allow yourself to experience an overwhelming sense of safety.”

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Healing Garden

A Spiritual Meditation with inspiring Music for deeply assisting any Healing process… Ideal for adults suffering emotional trauma, cancer, heart problems, physical pain or recovering from illness and accidents.

“Imagine yourself walking through the most beautiful garden…..this is your place for healing, your place of safety and serenity….”

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Island Of Past Lives

Spiritual Meditation and hauntingly introspective Music for reclaiming the forgotten parts of one’s psyche.

Ideal for adults wishing to confront childhood issues, hidden traumas, long-term distress or re-visit past lives.

“See yourself walking along the edge of a vast and most beautiful lake….this path leads you to a life long ago…..”

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Magic Rainbow

A creative Meditation and Music for Children needing to let go of hurts and reduce anxiety (both within family and school situations).

Ideal for all ages – both boys and girls.

“Your Guardian Angel gives you the pouch of magic dust….. you open the bag…. now you feel happy with who you are…. and remember that God always watches over you”

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Shield Of Golden Light

A gentle Meditation with delightful Music for Children wishing to deal with issues of bullying & victimization (both within the family and in the school). Ideal for all ages – both boys and girls.

“You have a shield of golden light…. let it shine brightly all around you…. feel it protecting and guarding you…. and know you are always safe…”

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Introduction To Meditation

Learn To Meditate Easily

” … Moving Your Focus From The Outer To The Inner … ”

We all need to grasp the basics before we can deeply meditate.
In this easy-to-follow introduction Les establishes the basics for great meditation.
The simplicity of meditating is made crystal clear.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Good-Bye Journey

Meditation For Letting Go & Moving On

” … Releasing The Past Allows Us To Grasp The Future … ”

When we release past behaviours and hurts we allow new, healthier patterns of behaviour to emerge.
These lead us into richer and more abundant ways of seeing and living life.
This meditation utilizes chakra patterning to directly release the old and embrace future opportunities.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Embrace Of Jesus

Meditation for Loving The World

” … Expressing your Purpose At Your Soul’s Level … ”

Each of us seeks to remember that we are a Loving expression of the Divine.
Through this heartfelt, deceptively deep meditation you can ignite your Life’s Purpose once again .
You reach out to the world with compassion and love.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The House of The Healing Heart

A Meditation Healing The Past Through Your Heart

” … A Healing Technique that frees the Heart to sing joyously again … ”

True Healing is always of the Heart. As we move into our Heart-centre and release all hurt, anger, pain, fear, distrust and jealousy we allow our True Self to express itself unfettered and freely.
Genuine Love and a sweet delight in life returns to its rightful place, deep within us.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Waterfall Of Love

A Meditation accessing an Abundance of Cleansing Love

” … Allowing Cleansing Sacred Water to be channelled across and through you … ”

Sacred water has always been symbolic of the effortless flow of the Divine through our Inner Being.
This Cleansing Meditation is ideal for those suffering stagnant thoughts and feelings. Used regularly, it will refresh and restore you to your pristine Wholeness and Lovingness once more.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Wind Chimes of Kashmir

Meditation for Becoming The Song of God

“ … Song lifts Man to great heights – until we become the Song of God … “

Chant has been used for thousands of years to access the deeply hidden truths that lie within.
Silence has equally been used as a barrier to hide the True Self. In this hauntingly beautiful Meditation, we psycho-therapeutically release the limitations of the ego; and allow ourselves to embrace the very song of life itself.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Crystal Cave

Meditation For Journey Into Consciousness

” … Merging With The Light Destroys The Darkness … ”

Crystals – known for their ability to retain, focus and release energy – do so in this powerful meditation.
The result is a rich Journey into Consciousness that deepens with repetitive usage.
The unwanted and false is simply shucked off; the abundance and power of true Light shines through.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Cradle of Love

Meditation for renewing trust and innocence

” … Reconnecting to your Mother at your deepest level … ”

For many, our mother-child relationship becomes scarred and battered over time.
Repairing this connection at the very deepest level allows for intense healing to happen.
As thoughts and memories arise, so does the power of reconciliation and genetic repair.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Pure Relaxation

A Meditation For Perfect Calmness

“ … Using Breath To Totally Calm And Release All Anxiety … “

Focus on the breath is the simplest and often the most profound method for achieving total calm.
In this meditation the very easiest of techniques can help you access deep and effective peace.
With regular practice total relaxation can be achieved quickly and thoroughly, anywhere, anytime.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Sculptor’s Studio

A Meditation For Finding New Perspectives

“ … For Finding New & Valid Perspectives On Life & Living … “

Life is truly a series of perspectives, rather than truths.
As we open to receive and accept new perspectives we allow our greatness to shine.
In this meditation we view ourselves differently each time – and grow each time, accordingly.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Rebuilding The Mansion Of Self

Meditation For Re-Structuring Attitudes And Behaviour

” … Intention-Meditation To Initiate Change Of Character … ”

All is change – even our Self is constantly changing, often contrary to our desires.
In this meditation we are given the tools to consciously change the Self for our betterment.
We can move from victim to victor, from observer of our self-destructive behaviour to builder of our Higher Self.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Caress Of The Giant-Hearted

Meditation For Expressing Genuine Love To Everyone

” … Changing Perspective Allows Change of Attitude Leading To Love … ”

Love heals all – and expressing Love heals ourselves as well, of course.
In this meditation we change our perspective on ourself – and release our ability to genuinely Love.
With regular practice what starts as a mental thought blossoms into an attitude of Wholeness.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Sarcophagus of Life

A Meditation For Revealing Real Inner Power

” … Moving Past All Masks To Embrace One’s Realness … ”

The masks we wear can both help us handle life – and also hide the real life we’re meant to be living.
In this meditation we’re given the chance to gently remove all masks and reveal our real Self to ourself.
Regular usage simply deepens self-awareness even further.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Master’s Temple

A Meditation For Accessing Inner Guidance

” … Allowing Yourself To Connect Consciously With Messages From The Masters … ”

We all have infinite wisdom deep within ourselves, often locked away.
This meditation allows us to gently access our own Inner Guidance through the medium of Teachers, Guides, Masters, Gurus and other great beings. Perfect for regular use.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Journey to The Temple of Wholeness

Meditation for embracing the True Self

“ … Ancient mythology and symbolism allow deep realms of Self to emerge … “

Ancient mythology and universal symbolism have always been potent avenues to access deep realms of Self. In this powerful meditation, mythology and psychotherapy merge into a powerful Journey for change. The angry and dysfunctional old is made easy to dispel; the new sense of worth and true value can now be eagerly embraced.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Seeds of Self

A Meditative Exploration of Self from Seed to Fullness

“ … A Joyous movement from Darkness Into Light & Full Potential … “

Moving from Darkness into Light, from Seed into our full potential is the innate desire of all Life.
In this illuminating Meditation, realization of one’s own Natural Growth and fulfilment is allowed to slowly unfold – like a flower reaching its full expression from a simple seed, planted in the soil of Life.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Through The Window Pane

A Meditation for Deepening Awareness through Focus

“ … Observation of One’s Inner Feelings brings growth and understanding … “

Exploration of one’s feelings is often best achieved though simple observation.
In this exceptionally gentle meditation, the Self is allowed to recognize itself in the naturalness of raindrops.
Sustained focus is easily achieved; leading to release of many unresolved issues, gently and safely.

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

The Breath of God

A Meditation For Welcoming The Divine Into Your Life

” … For Re-Connection With Source Through Your Heart … ”

At times we all lose connection to Source; and feel aimless and lost.
This meditation takes us into that unique spaciousness of Spirit where all simply is.
Here, in this infinite space, the extraordinary and unexpected can effortlessly happen!

* Click the arrow below to play a sample of the meditation

Love Meditation

A Meditation For Loving Everything & Everyone

” … Finding Planetary Love Allows Self-Love to blossom … ”

From the smallest flower to the planet itself, Love is our only true expression.
In this meditation we release Love to express itself in everything and everyone.
In doing so, we release it to express itself in ourselves, as our ourselves.

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