Last article I wrote that sometimes all it takes is ONE person out of those 7,279,727,300 people on the planet – and we go into a tail-spin of dejection, pain, fear, loss, abandonment, worry, lack of self-worth, loss of confidence or some other similar negative state that robs us of our zest for life.

Yet, in truth, that one person who affects us so much is us, ourselves!

That’s because it’s not what the other person does that causes us to recoil, to withdraw, to hurt, to feel pain and loss – but HOW we handle their behaviour and respond!

At the end of the day we can never be responsible for anyone else – for what they do, where they go, who they go with, what they say, or how they act……we can only be responsible for ourself!

And we can always be totally responsible for Ourself!

We can take total responsibility for what we do, where we go, who we go with, what we say, how we act…..

Often, in our pain and hurt, we succumb to being a victim and blame it on the other person.

But that is to live a lie: they are never responsible for our reactions.

We ourselves are!

It’s rather like Jesus, born some say around this time of year……he took responsibility for just ONE person……himself. He took responsibility for what he said, what he did, where he went, who he mixed with. He became the Great Example for mankind to emulate.

Even later when they killed him he forgave them because ‘they know not what they do”…..and he remained steadfastly responsible for just the ONE.

We can only do this, of course, if we find that ‘being’ of love and one-ness that exists within us, as us.

That’s the very real, down-to-earth benefit of staying connected to our spiritual selves!

It makes it possible for us to rise above our disappointments and hardships.

I pray that this Christmas you may find the courage, the love, the focus and the peace to choose for yourself to be born again into a strengthened sense of personal responsibility.

And may you then share your True Self with all you meet – as co-operation, kindness, gentleness and love – throughout the year ahead!

Have a peace-filled Christmas season,

