In Russia they make a very special kind of doll – a Babushka doll.
It consists of a doll within a doll within a doll…..
Craftspeople have been known to create up to seven dolls within the outer doll, (although the average is probably just three or four……).
They represent values such as fertility, family, abundance and suchlike.
Humans across the world are very much like a Babushka doll……
Take myself as an example……
1st doll…..When I was a baby I had little idea as to if my life was good or bad……..but I had an awareness of wonder…..
2nd doll….As I grew into a child and met more people I came to think that I counted for less than many others……I fondly remembered my innocence as a baby….
3rd doll…..I grew a little older and became ashamed of my body, my voice and my situation…..I shrank into myself……
4th doll…..I became a young man and determined to overcome what I felt were my handicaps……I carried all three other dolls inside me but on the outside I strove to improve myself in every way….I took up being a public speaker, a chess player, a magazine columnist, a husband, a poet, a businessman, a uni lecturer and a benefactor for others struggling with life……yet I remained insecure……
5th doll….. I continued to be challenged in every way and so I added traditional religion to my bag off tricks. Every act by every one of the dolls that existed within me was censored and manipulated by this 5th doll. I felt very scared.
6th doll……I evolved past the dogma of religion and embraced Spirit. This gave me (and all the dolls within me) a new lease of life and I was soon once more embroiled in business, this time more ethically based……but deep down I still felt unworthy…..
7th doll……I woke up to who and what I was; and I adjusted my life and work to reach out to help others to do the same…….
8th doll……I am the Stillness that Les woke up to recognise……..
9th doll…..I am the doll that retains awareness of all the other dolls that make up Les…….
10th doll…I am the Soul-doll and I see and embrace all the other dolls, both from Les’ current and previous lives….
11th doll…I am the Infinite Doll that contains all the other dolls, including Les’ Soul-doll……
12th……….I am the Doll-Maker.
How many dolls do you carry within you?
What do they teach you, share with you?
What kind of doll are you creating right now?
Remember – it’s never too late to re-arrange your private Doll House!!!!!
Need help?
Please remember I am always here for you.
I am also creating an awesome new weekend self-empowerment Spiritual Program to help revitalize those suffering in the wilderness and to help expand spiritual community locally where you live……
If you’d like me to bring it to your town in the next year simply email me –
Be well, be safe – be happy!
Peace be within you.