A traveler came to a city gate and asked the gate-keeper “What’s it like to live in this city?”.
“What’s it like where you come from?” answered the gate-keeper.
“Pretty nasty actually. Not much fun and too much work”.
“Pretty much like that here” replied the gate-keeper.
So the traveler turned away to seek elsewhere to live.
Another traveler arrived at the city gate and asked the gate-keeper “What’s it like to live in this city?”.
“What’s it like where you come from?” answered the gate-keeper again.
“Pretty wonderful. Lots of joy and creativity and co-operation and care and love”.
“Pretty much like that here” replied the gate-keeper.
So the traveler walked in.
What’s it like where you come from? However you find it there is going to be pretty much the same as anywhere else you go……
That’s because there’s no escape from yourself.
There’s only change.
Change from a hurting, limited ‘Human Doing’ – into a richer, happier and more fulfilled ‘Human Being’.
And the only way to achieve that is to embrace the Divine Within.
Boundless Love