This week I’m going to let some other people tell you a parable…….

Albert Einstein in 1932 said….

“There is not the slightest indication that nuclear power will ever be obtainable”……..


Decca Records refused to sign up the Beatles in 1962 because….

“We don’t like their sound….and guitar music is on the way out”


Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM  in 1943 suggested…..

“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers…..”


Darryl Zanuck, 20th Century Fox in 1946 insisted….

“Television won’t last because people will get sick of looking at a plywood box every night”


Hiram Maxim, inventor of the machine gun in 1893 stated….

“This (gun) will make war impossible!”


A Boeing engineer in 1933 after releasing a 10-seater aircraft…..

“There will never be a bigger plane built…..”


Lord Kelvin in 1883 stated…..

“X-rays will prove to be a hoax….”


People have always made mistakes.

In ancient times  the Dance of Asklepius explained that life was two steps forward – one step back – pause – two steps forward…

That’s how we grow, learn, develop……



Each problem is DIFFERENT from the last.

Each relationship is DIFFERENT from the last.

Each issue is a DIFFERENT learning experience.


The art of life isn’t living without problems – but capably, lovingly and efficiently fixing problems/issues as and when they arise.


That’s why we enjoy computers, TV, air travel and all the rest today.

And that’s how we continue to grow daily into happy, caring spiritual

beings of immense love and potential enjoying our physical existence.

Enjoy your problems!!

Learn from them…..


Many blessings……..


Peace be within you!

